How to farm using PLENTY-XTZ LP Token

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Besides earning trading fees with being a liquidity provider, PLP tokens can be staked to earn extra yield. You can take a look at the current Plenty pair options at


Step 1: Head to and enter the app.

Step 2: Connect your wallet to Plenty (Make sure you have some tez to cover gas fees!).

Step 3: You need to add liquidity to the yield farming pair first. You can do so by following the steps in the How to Add/Remove Liquidity tutorial.

Step 4: Select the farm you wish to join and deposit your Plenty Liquidity Provider (PLP) tokens into the farm by using the "stake" button.

Step 5: Enter ****the amount you wish to add or use the “Max” button.

Step 6: Click “ Confirm Stake.”

Step 7: Confirm in your wallet and start earning $PLENTY! Farming will happen immediately once the transaction completes.